PRestige All-Star: Mike Margolis

Mike Margolis

What makes Mike stand out from the crowd? Why is he not like just any other PR major? Read about his musical twist below!

Where are you from?

I hail from Allentown, Pennsylvania.


Public Relations with a Dual-Minor in Marketing and Music.

What made you interested in your major?

I just love working with all types of people: media, clients, and the public alike.  I also love the fast-paced work environment and the constant demand expected from me.

What are you involved in on/off campus?

Currently, I work for Campus Socialite Media, a marketing firm that’s on the up and up.  I’m working on a few projects right now, the main one being the Fall 2010 Blitz and Beatz tour.  I’ve been helping to organize, produce, sell, and do PR for concerts and events around the country.  It has allowed me to work with Fortune-500 companies,  large musical acts, and act as the spokesperson for Campus Socialite during some interviews. I highly recommend doing at least two internships in college: one bigger name and one smaller name.  With this latest internship, I’ve gained so much experience different than what I learned at Motown because they rely on me so much. What I’ve discovered and learned has been irreplaceable and I’ve been really lucky to be a part of the company. I highly, highly recommend working for a smaller company if you get the chance.

Can you tell us about your Motown internship this past summer?

I had a fantastic experience this summer at Motown, and I really owe a lot of it to Professor Frisina.  I helped work events, did some tour press, lots of press clippings, and put together hundreds of press kits.  What was cool was as a college student I got to meet stars such as Kelly Rowland (from Destiny’s Child), Birdman, Nelly, and Shontelle.  The longer I was there, the more  trust they had in me, and the more fun stuff I got to have because of it.  No matter what internship you do, there will always be press clippings and copies, but if you go at it with a positive attitude and do it right, you will be given more fun and exciting opportunities.

Where do you see yourself after Hofstra?

In a gutter?  No really, as a senior graduating in May, it’s a pretty humbling process even thinking about where you’re going to be next year.  I really, really love the music world and I see myself working in the industry next year.  The problem is it’s extremely tough to break into, but that won’t stop me from trying.  Right now, I’m looking into concert promotion and music management, which is what I would love to be doing, but we’ll see where this year takes me.

What advice do you have for anyone else who wants to be an all-star?

Work hard in your PR classes, take everything you learn seriously, talk to you advisers, and work hard at your internship(s).  Most of this world is about networking, and it’s a process that starts in class.  If you work hard in class, your professors notice, they then help you with internships, where you make crucial connections that hopefully lead to jobs.  Most of all, find what you love and run with it.  Like I said, I could be sitting in a ditch next year, but I know I won’t regret a thing because I’m pursuing a career in something that I love to do and am happy doing.

Do you have a Twitter page or blog? If so, what are their URLs?

I do have both.  I just got a Twitter a few weeks ago, and my name is @Margolisnation.  I’m a passionate Philadelphia sports fan and, if you couldn’t tell, love the music world. Both of which are reflected through my twitter.  Also, the marketing company I work for runs a pretty major college blog with 30,000+ hits a day,  Anyone who has questions or comments can feel free to email me at  Hope this is helpful to all of you younger PR students!

PRestige All-Star: Lisa Jablon

Lisa Jablon

Lisa Jablon is the current president of Hofstra’s chapter of PRSSA. PRSSA is PRestige’s umbrella organization. Whether she is building community in her residence hall or selling a bag at Vera Bradley, Lisa is always keeping herself busy!

Where are you from?

I’m from Terryville, CT (right outside of Bristol)


Public Relations major, minoring in Marketing and English

What made you interested in your major?

In high school, I was the director of public relations for the LEO club, which was the junior Lion’s club in my town. We were in charge of a lot of community service activities in the town. Our adviser was the School to Career coordinator in my high school, and she became my mentor throughout school and guided me in my public relations path!

What are you involved in on/off campus?

On campus – I am the president of PRSSA, a resident assistant in the Netherlands leadership house, and a member of WRHU Radio Hofstra University.

Off campus – I am a store associate at Vera Bradley in the Roosevelt Field Mall.

When did you get involved with PRSSA?

I got involved my sophomore year, and became the secretary for my junior year.

How has PRSSA helped you?

PRSSA has helped me learn some amazing hands-on skills that I wouldn’t have been able to learn in the classroom. I have learned how to network, how to plan and actually pitch events, and I have met so many peers and professionals who have been an amazing support system throughout my four years at Hofstra.

What do you plan to do as President? What are your goals for the year?

As President, I hope to learn and understand our members and their needs, because PRSSA is an organization that works for the students. I hope our membership can see how hard our executive board is working this year to make some amazing events, seminars, workshops, and more.

What internship do you have/have you had in the past?

I was the Marketing & Communications Intern for the Central CT Chambers of Commerce for two summers and a winter session. It was a great opportunity and I learned all about the Bristol and surrounding communities and how to successfully market to our membership. This was a paid position, and they even asked me to stay for the second summer and fill in for my supervisor who was on maternity leave.

Where do you see yourself after Hofstra?

I see myself living somewhere on the Island or in a borough, and working in New York City. Ideally I would love to work for a television station or network in an in-house public relations position, but I’m keeping my options open!

What advice do you have for anyone else who wants to be an all-star?

Really take advantage of all the opportunities that Hofstra has to offer. The School of Communication alone has so many different clubs and organizations that you can be involved in and shine through. I think it’s important to work towards your goals and show and help others to achieve them with you.

Check out Lisa’s blog here!

Follow Lisa on Twitter!